Thursday, 8 October 2009

These days...

Hello the world.

I've not used shuffle on Itunes for ages. Currently, The Heart is A Lonely Hunter by the Anniversary is on, and before that was FEAR, and before that was Animal Collective, and before that was Archers of Loaf, and before that was Sharks Keep Moving, and before that was Metallica, and before that was Operation Ivy, and before that was Eric B and Rakim. Wait! It's just changed! It's Spy Versus Spy!

Ok, so. We have three gigs over the next few days. Obviously they're all on our myspace gigs page, but for those who need to read the facts in plain text, the facts are below:

8th October, Manchester Apollo with Maximo Park.
9th October, Chester, D'Meltin' Pot
10th October, Liverpool, Kazimier with CLINIC.

I would deffo get tickets for the Saturday one as it is also Lost Art skateshop's 10th birthday so there are chances it'll be chaos. Pop into Lost Art off Bold Street or go to for soe ticket action.

In other news, we've recorded a six song EP for release on Moshi Moshi next year, and are halfway through recording another six song EP, also for release next year. We're also doing a song with Paul Smith of Maximo. We're recording his lungs this afternoon at the Apollo.

I'm now listening to Rocket From the Crypt. My record collection rules.

Hope to see you over the next few days.
